A visionnary in Creative Direction and brand strategy

Amélie Glab, a French creative director and brand strategist, is the founder of Glabiste Services Agency, which operates between Paris and Miami. Founded in 2020, Glabiste Services is the embodiment of Amélie's three core passions: the analysis of human sciences and society, business and entrepreneurship, and uncompromising design standards.

Amélie’sentrepreneurial journey began at the age of 17 when she first explored her passion for bringing creative ideas to life. She launched her first digital webzine dedicated to fashion and lifestyle, participated in electronic music labels, and co-founded her own premium liquor and CBD product brands.

Throughout her career, Amélie has provided guidance and expertise to numerous entrepreneurs in various industries, including fashion, high-end hospitality,cosmetics, food and beverage, and technology. Some notable collaborations include Nodaleto, Underdays, Azio Beauty, Cloche, Dresscode Agency, among many others.

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Design Rush Best Packaging